Jazyk EnglishČesky

Traditional Czech production of solid-fuel household appliances


Traditional Czech production of solid-fuel household appliances.


Marketing and Foreigner trade:

Mr. Vasily Zelensky
e-mail: marketing@kvs-ekodivize.cz
phone: +420 554 797 168

KVS EKODIVIZE a.s. (Inc.), branch plant Dvorce

Opavská 272
793 68 Dvorce
Czech Republic
e-mail: prodej.dvorce@kvs-ekodivize.cz
phone:  +420 554 797 148
phone: +420 554 797 111

Branch plant Dvorce director:

Mr. Vasily Zelensky
e-mail: kvs.dvorce@kvs-ekodivize.cz
phone: +420 554 797 168

Sales department of the KVS MORAVIA domestic appliances – Export:

Ilona Ventrubová

e-mail: ilona.vachatova@kvs-ekodivize.cz
phone: +420 554 797 131
mobile: +420 777 748 117

Contact us

If you would like to find out more or to become more familiar
with our offering of services, please fill out the contact
form or contact us via email or by phone.

+420 554 797 168 marketing@kvs-ekodivize.cz